With our team of professionals and technicians,
we are committed to quality and excellence.

Karakol N.V., name was established in June 1985 by its founder and Director Allan J. van Berkel with the mind set to develop Karakol N.V. in an accredited Calibration, Validation, Certification Company in the future.

Mr. Allan J. van Berkel was employee of Advance Bio Factures of Curaçao, since 1981 to 2005, started as manufactures Supervisor up to the capacity of Operation / Technical director, and has had responsibility for managing the production of an FDA approved ethical pharmaceutical product derive in the only state of the art biopharmaceutical clean room facility established in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles.

For more than 35 years of experience in Biopharmaceutical, Laboratory & Medical Health care industries and with a track record of FDA / ISO Quality minded and Service in the Curaçao market, in the Dutch Caribbean, Caribbean & later South America, Mr. Allan J. van Berkel decided in the year of 2014 to activate Karakol N.V. as an Calibration, Validation, Certification, Service, Sales & after Sales company for Biopharmaceutical, Laboratory & Medical Equipment and always showing a restless discontent in relentless pursuit of improving in all its areas.

Karakol N.V. assembled a team of technicians and professionals committed to quality and excellence virtues, which reflected its sustained growth and granted the ISO/IEC-17025-2017 in the year 2018 and may call as up to date as the first ISO/IEC-17025-2017 Calibration Company in the Dutch Caribbean Islands.

Using our skills and knowledge, to provide the highest available ongoing updated quality international standard and technology to our customers in particular and or any client in the areas of Calibration, Validation Certification, Maintenance / Service, Sales and After Sales support for Laboratory, Medical & Biopharmaceutical Equipment.

No work is done until all paperwork is completely filled out.

Being one of the leaders in the service we offer in the Dutch Caribbean Islands and its geographical area of influence.

• Integrity, respect and commitment
• Awareness of the impact of our work on people and the environment, therefore.
• We think, work and provide Quality.
• Respect is given; Honesty is appreciated; trust is earned; Loyalty is returned.

Karakol N.V. relies on a high quality minded trained Multidisciplinary team of experience technicians and professionals who are governed by strict quality systems as it’s related to the provision of services of our customers.

Karakol N.V. focus on client satisfactions because the client is the king.


Feel free to contact us, not only for accreditation services, we are also seller of reputable brands of equipment for hospital, laboratory and other fields.

We provide the highest quality technology available in the following groups areas:
• Calibration, Validation, base on international ISO/IEC-17025 standard.
• Certification of Clean Room, Biological Safety Cabinet, clean Bench, Fume Hood,
General Laboratory safety benches, using International stands Such as NSF,
ISO 14644 & ANSI/AIHA Z9.5-2012 Standard for Laboratory Ventilation
• Installation, service & preventive maintenance for Laboratory,
Medical, & biopharmaceutical Equipment.
• Supervising construction project for Medical Clinic, Laboratory, & biopharmaceutical

Karakol N.V. provides professional and expert advice in the various areas of our expertise.

Our professionals are knowledgeable in the specific fields of Laboratory, biopharmaceutical, industries and cover other biomedical areas in the medical industries where assistance might be required.

The only way to control pollution is to control the total environment.

A clean room is a controlled environment where products are manufactured. It is a room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled to specified limits.

We of Karakol N.V. we believe that the only way to control contamination is to control the total environment. Air flow rates and direction, pressurization, temperature, humidity and specialized filtration all need to be tightly controlled. And sources of these particles need to controlled or eliminated whenever possible.

There is more to a clean room than air filters. Clean rooms are planned and manufactured adhering to strict protocols and methods. They are frequently found in pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, medical device industries and other critical manufacturing environments in which Karakol N.V. can provide you professional assistance with the set up and management of clean rooms.

We have the experience to provide you with professional advice to achieve your goals.

Karakol N.V. offers know how to help your organization to achieve it’s projected goals, while honoring such constrain as the scope, time, quality and budget, in your endeavor to achieve a specific goals to bring the beneficial changes or achieve desired added value.

Our technicians and professionals are governed by strict quality systems to provide optimal service.

When your equipment is installed, the work must be precise, often takes special preparation and must meet deadlines. This type of work should be handled by expert dedicated and experienced personnel to make certain that installations will be as anticipated. Karakol meets all of these requirements, providing his customers the expected quality.

All equipment used in the measurement and monitoring must be calibrated and maintained. Karakol calibration services meets the standard requirements to assure that your equipment is accurately calibrated enhancing confidence of your measurements...

The Use of some equipment must be validated to ensure satisfying both, process and regulatory procedures. Validation is also a compliance issue; authorities require validation to demonstrate that processes, designs and systems are in compliance with Quality Systems requirements. Karakol’s specialists have experience working within the compliance requirements of established regulated companies and will produce validation documents meeting the required standards.

In order to guarantee a successful monitoring program, equipment maintenance must be consider an essential component. A proper maintenance program starts with ensuring that the right people are designated and responsible for the maintenance program. Karakol’s service is performed in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards.

When your organization requires equipment repair support, the repair partner you select makes all the difference. Karakol’s specialized staff has the specific experience and technical know how required to support your repair needs.

During the process of equipment certification, all the working parameters and control and regulatory systems are checked, and the functions of the given equipment are defined more precisely. Karakol specialists make sure the power calculations are made, operating and maximum tolerable parameters are determined, and optimal operating modes are fixed prior to issuances of the equipment certificate document.

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Think, perform and provide quality.

The recognition of the quality, professionalism and excellent service we provide to our clients.


Karakol N.V. is accredited Calibration Laboratory in accordance with the recognized standard ISO.IEC-17025-2017 general requirement for the competence of testing and Calibration Laboratories. Our accreditations guarantee our calibration results and measurement studies to be traceable to all international systems in all countries that are signatory to the ILAC-MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement).

All our calibration certificates comply with all ISO requirements.

What is ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation?

ISO/IEC 17025 is the main quality management system standard for calibration laboratories internationally. While Karakol N.V. has been accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 evaluates and recognizes the technical competence of a calibration laboratory. In order to obtain accreditation, a calibration laboratory must undergo an independent assessment by a third party to ensure that the quality management system (QMS) is in compliance with this international standard. Only after the QMS undergoes this thorough review is a laboratory deemed technically competent and obtains the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation by an authorized accreditation body. In addition to the initial assessment, the laboratory must also undergo regular reviews in order to ensure that compliance is maintained.

While the decision to pursue ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is completely voluntary Karakol N.V. has chosen to do so in order to provide customers with the utmost confidence in calibration results obtained from our calibration laboratory. Our almost 3 years accredited calibration laboratory has demonstrated the ability to obtain repeatable, accurate and precise calibration results using:

• A well-documented maintenance and calibration program for all standards used
• Suitable and validated calibration methods
• Experienced, competent and well trained calibration staff
• A controlled calibration system and documentation of environmental conditions
• Appropriate handling of customer instruments to preserve calibration integrity
• A quality assurance program with rigorous documentation of laboratory instrument performance
and quality control measures to ensure integrity of calibration methods
• Participation in inter-laboratory proficiency testing programs to demonstrate ongoing competence with all our methods
• Continuous re-evaluation of the QMS and constant improvement in order to provide efficient and effective services


We comply with all the norms and quality standards in the maintenance,
installation, calibration, validation, repair and cerfication of the equipment.


We work with the best!


Our alliances with brands that are synonymous
with quality, support, responsibility and experience.


We love to get in touch with you. Do you need our advice
or do you just want to contact us? Write to us and we will contact you.


Complete the form and we will contact you.

Allan van Berkel/Managing Director
Kaya Basralokus # 3
Willemstad Curacao,
Dutch Caribbean (Netherlands Antilles)
Telephone: +599.9 869.15.00/868.37.02
Cell: +599.9 671.83.43/560.88.41
Email: info@karakolnv.com

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